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Help We Give


The Missing Wingman Trust can provide to all Air Force families, when a member of that family is killed, wounded, seriously injured, or seriously ill.


An Air Force family is defined as a currently serving RNZAF serviceperson (regular force, territorial or active reserve) or civilian employed directly by the RNZAF, and their (if any) recognised partner and dependents.


If you’re not sure who we can help, please contact one of our Base Liaison Officers.


The Missing Wingman Trust provides:

  • Welfare assistance,

  • Support and financial assistance to maintain a reasonable quality of life,

  • Support and financial assistance in times of crisis,

  • Support and financial assistance for further education and vocational training, and

  • Emotional and spiritual mentoring to afflicted family members.


Some stories of how we have helped families can be found here. Some ways we’ve helped include:

  • Education scholarships,

  • Helping with medical expenses,

  • Helping with the immediate needs after the death or illness of a family member. These might include help around the home, funeral expenses and other memorials, or sometimes we have helped family travel to be together.

  • Helping to partially fill the gap left by the loss of a parent or partner. This can take various forms, from sporting and adventure trips or granting other wishes, or finishing those jobs around the home.


As a registered charity, our trust deed has been approved by the Department of Internal Affairs. This governs the ways in which we can help, and we need to ensure we stay within the legal bounds of the charitable status we’ve been awarded. If you think you need support outside these bounds please contact us anyway, but please do understand that sometimes we are limited by New Zealand law.


“Embarking on my Master's programme was a bittersweet prospect. Academically it was exciting, financially it was daunting, and emotionally it was draining - I wished my dad could be with me on this journey too. Thankfully, the Missing Wingman Trust were able to ease that burden slightly. Thank you for your support."


Candice Forster-Heke

Daughter of F/S Andy Forster

MWT Scholarship Recipient

We were honoured to help the family of a beautiful young baby girl who sadly died at birth. Like all young couples finances were tight, but the Missing Wingman Trust stepped in and was able to fund a headstone for their little princess. Now they will always have a beautiful reminder of their beautiful little girl.

After losing their dad, these boys and their siblings had a big whole left in their lives - and a few small ones in their roof. A great combination of the Air Force and the trust working together saw the family get a new roof; the Air Force provided the manpower and the trust funded the project. Not only did we literally put a new roof over their head, but we took these brothers on their first ever plane flight down to the Air Force museum in Christchurch.


Thank you for reaching out to us.


Details of who we can help and how we can help are on this website. If you are a current serviceperson, you may like to contact your Base Liaison Officer. If you prefer to contact us directly, please fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch with you shortly.


Thanks! Message sent.

*By submitting this form I give permission for the details in this application to be passed to board members, RNZAF Base Liaison Officers and other Missing Wingman Trust volunteers who assist the trust. I understand that this information will be treated with the strictest confidence, and only passed to those who need to know in order to progress the application.




© 2020 Missing Wingman Trust (RNZAF)


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